When you buy furniture, you pay a lot more if you want it right away. It is true that you can find fairly cheap leather furniture at some of the commercial outlets, but it is still in the hundreds of dollars. If you're patient, however, you can keep an eye out and find used furniture that is in good shape for a much lower price.
Recently, I was looking for cheap leather sofas. It took me hours and hours to find exactly what I wanted, and I'm not sure if it was worth the effort. The only place I could find a really cheap leather sofa was at Wal-Mart, and it was not pretty. To call it a leather sofa would be a bit generous. I think it was actually some form of imitation leather, even though they insisted that it was genuine. The only other cheap leather sofas I could find cost several times as much. The big furniture distributors would sometimes have some pretty good sales, but what they called cheap leather sofas still cost at least $400 dollars.
I realized that there were only a few places to find cheap leather sofas. Goodwill was one, but after several weeks of looking, I gave it up. The cheap leather sofas that they got were usually in very poor condition. When, every once in awhile, they get something that was in good shape, it usually went very fast. Someone would buy it practically as soon as it came into the store. I didn't want to spend all of my time looking for cheap leather sofas at Goodwill, so I gave up pretty soon.
Then I discovered craigslist, and craigslist solved all of my problems. Craigslist is the ultimate place for cheap furniture. Every day, there were literally a dozen people posting ads for a cheap leather couch. Of that dozen, usually at least nine of them were duds. Still, that left anywhere from one to three cheap leather sofas that were worth considering. I let several very nice ones pass by before I made my decision. None of them, after all, were quite what I was looking for. Finally, I found a cheap leather sofa being sold by someone who was moving out the very next day. He needed to get rid of it as soon as possible, and was willing to sell it for only 80 dollars. Needless to say, I picked it right up.